Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pest Control Technology

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Pest Control Technology serves the urban, industrial, commercial and suburban pest control market. Feature articles include control techniques, management methods, people and product news, government regulations, safety hints, letters to the editor, trade reports, environmental reports, serviceman training guides, and insect and rodent illustrations.

Published monthly, its editorial purpose is directed towards technological and educational advancement of pest control operators, exterminators, termite control specialists, fumigators, mosquito abatement personnel, weed control specialists, custom applicators, manufacturers, packagers, suppliers of insecticides, equipment, and other products used in the pest control field.

Geographic Eligibility: USA, Canada

Offered by: GIE Media Inc.

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1 comment:

  1. That article is so much informative. I learn many thinks from there. I really like these technologies for the control the insects. These are so effective. Thanks for sharing with me such a nice article. For the more information visit www(dot)debugitpestcontrol(dot)com.
    Pest Control Somerset Sussex
